A. Sutherland - AncientPages.com - A Noppera-bo (noppera-bō) is one of many mysterious supernatural creatures of Japanese folklore. Today, it’s time to present a yokai Noppera-bo (”faceless one”) that looks human but has no face. The word “nupperi“ also ,nopperi) means “flat-faced.” It is reasonably believed that the idea of a flat or expressionless face also coincides with that of the Noppera-bo yokai.
These demonic beings traditionally appear as women with featureless, smooth faces. There can be many of them, and according to modern beliefs, adult males representing this yokai are becoming more common.
This odd yokai, is predominantly encountered on desolate road, street or passageway during nocturnal hours, in the absence of human presence. It exhibits a unique behavior pattern. Initially, they may present themselves as ordinary human beings, assuming the appearance of someone known to the observer, creating an atmosphere of intrigue and mystery.
Upon initial observation, the entity bears a striking resemblance to that of a human being. However, this is a false appearance with a temporary effect only. The Noppera-bo eventually reveals its real identity.
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See also:
Mikoshi-Nyudo: Evil, Bald-Headed And Long-Necked Yokai Goblin In Japanese Folklore
Little People: Ancient Race That Pre-Dates Native Americans, Celts, And Other Settlers Worldwide
Strange Ancient And Medieval Encounters With Unusual Beings Reported And Documented