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Unusual Medieval Picture Stone Found Under House In Klotzow, Germany

Unusual Medieval Picture Stone Found Under House In Klotzow, Germany

Conny Waters - - A 900-year-old picture stone from the 12th century was discovered during home renovation work in Germany. Homeowner Peter Wittenberg unearthed this rare artifact while working on his house's foundation.

The stone was found just below the ground's surface, positioned horizontally near a wall. Its most notable feature is an engraved image depicting a man carrying a cross on his stomach. Recognizing the potential importance of his find, Wittenberg promptly contacted local cultural authorities.

A rare Medieval picture stone was found in the village of Klotzow. Credit: WKM MV

Initial assessments suggest that the stone originates from the 12th century. Experts believe the engraved figure represents either a Christian dignitary or a follower of Christianity. Such artifacts from the Christianization period are considered extremely rare and valuable to historians.

Wittenberg's house, believed to have been built in the 18th century, suggests that the stone may have been repurposed as a step or as part of a bricked-up doorway.

"This discovery is particularly relevant in the context of the Christianization of Pomerania, which is attributed to Bishop Otto of Bamberg. Interestingly, the 900th anniversary of his first missionary journey will be commemorated in 2024.

The unearthing of this picture stone has generated considerable excitement among historians and archaeologists. It provides tangible evidence of the region's religious history and the spread of Christianity in medieval Germany.

Otto of Bamberg is depicted in a Romanesque fresco, Prüfening Abbey, c. 1130. Credit: Wolfgang Sauber - CC BY-SA 4.0

With this exceptionally significant find, we can add another important piece to our country's history mosaic. Bishop Otto of Bamberg undertook his first missionary journey to Pomerania in 1124. The discovery of a picture stone from this period precisely 900 years later is extremely fortunate. The finder deserves thanks and the highest recognition for reporting his find immediately. Experts from the State Office for Culture and Monument Preservation and the lower monument protection authority will now secure and further examine this unique find.

Finder Peter Wittenberg, Culture Minister Bettina Martin, and state archaeologist Dr. Detlef Jantzen at the presentation of the stone. Credit: WKM MV

Further investigations are planned in Klotzow to determine the original location of the image stone. It likely arrived at its current location only in the 19th century. The State Office for Culture and Monument Preservation's archaeological restoration workshop in Schwerin will further document and examine the image stone. Plans are underway to find ways to set it up in a protected location in Klotzow," Minister of Culture Bettina Martin said in a press statement.

"The significance of this find cannot be overstated. The discovery from Klotzow is the only one that potentially shows a Christian dignitary. We will now investigate the stone's original location. Klotzow, one of the historically documented ferry points to Usedom, may have played a role in Otto von Bamberg's missionary journeys.

See also: More Archaeology News

Only five comparable stones are known in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania: one each in Bergen on Rügen, Altenkirchen on Rügen, and Grüttow near Anklam, as well as two in Wolgast," State archaeologist Dr. Detlef Jantzen said.

Written by Conny Waters - Staff Writer

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