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Why Are Apples So Important During Halloween?


Conny Waters - - Are you going to celebrate Halloween on October 31? If so, you may already know it originated with the ancient Celtic festival of Samhain. During Samhain, lighting bonfires and wearing costumes were essential to ward off ghosts. These traditions were not just rituals; they served as tools to protect communities from supernatural forces.

Why Are Apples So Important During Halloween?

You may have noticed that apples are important in Halloween festivities, but do you know why? Samhain marked the Celtic New Year and blended various symbols from agricultural, pastoral, and supernatural beliefs. It linked harvest fruits with concepts of the afterlife and otherworldly realms. As it coincided with the beginning of winter and concluded the farming year, ensuring all crops like corn, hay, potatoes, turnips, and apples were harvested and stored properly was crucial for enduring the harsh season ahead.

Apples have held religious significance since the time of Adam and Eve. While contemporary society tends to downplay the superstitions and religious connotations associated with apples, the fruit remains integral to Halloween celebrations, utilized in various ways. Although some attribute the apple's significance during Halloween to Pomona, a Roman harvest deity, its importance is more likely rooted in Celtic traditions.

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