Ellen Lloyd - AncientPages.com - While the likelihood of uncovering mysterious ancient structures in New York City itself is quite low, the state does boast other captivating prehistoric sites that have long intrigued archaeologists and those curious about the strange and unexplained. In New York, several fascinating man-made stone structures were crafted by "someone" in antiquity.
The identity of this "someone" remains a mystery—whether these sites are remnants of ancient Native Americans or an early European civilization that ventured to North America is still unknown. Similar constructions can be found across Ireland, Brittany, Portugal, and various states in North America. Scientists acknowledge their uncertainty regarding the purpose of these sites, adding to their enigmatic allure.
One particularly perplexing aspect is the frequent reports of unexplained phenomena near these stone structures. Historically, people were often cautioned against visiting these areas due to perceived dangers.
Visitors in modern times claim these ancient places are suspiciously supernatural, and reports of strange lights and unknown beings in the area remain unexplained.
Can a legendary and mysterious mountain shed more light on this story? What can Native Americans living in the area reveal about these unexplained events? They do seem to have an intriguing explanation.
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