Ellen Lloyd - AncientPages.com - When darkness falls and the days get colder, we gather around the fireplace to embrace the warmth. In the old days, when there were no radiators, the chimney was a treasure that helped survive cold winters. Folklore stories tell the chimney was appreciated and feared because it is also home to powerful spirits.
Today, many children are told Father Christmas comes through the chimney with their gifts, but kids in Ireland and Scotland are cautious because they have been informed of the frightening Bodach, who enters the house using the chimney.
The evil Bodach does not need the invitation to visit your home. If he decides to come to your house, he will do so, and rest assured he is not paying a courtesy visit.
The Gaelic Bodach can be described in many ways. Some say he is a ghost or trickster, while others call him the Devil.
Stories of Bodach can be found in folklore and modern literature. Scottish folklore accounts say Boddach comes through the chimney to kidnap naughty children.
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