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Chilling Story Of Glamr Who Became A Draugr, A Living Dead – Scary Yule Haunting

Ellen Lloyd - - Do you have the courage to challenge supernatural forces? If you decide to do so, remember it will be your own doing.

One man named Glamr was overconfident. Considering himself invincible and untouchable, he thought he could do whatever pleased him and get away with it, but it was a mistake. Fate caught up with him, and his ending was not pretty.

The story of Glamr, a Swedish herdsman, is one of the scariest Old Norse Yule hauntings we can come across.

Supernatural Creatures In Old Norse Literature

People in ancient Scandinavia were superstitious. They feared and respected supernatural powers, even long after converting to Christianity.

"The peculiarity of Scandinavian and Icelandic ghosts lies in the fact that they are corporeal – not wraiths, disembodied spirits, but the incorporate spirits of the dead. They are animated corpses, solid bodies, generally mischievous and greatly to be feared. Even Iceland, though a new colony, is ghost ridden. In stories relating to Scandinavia, the ghosts are generally men, and this is probably an original feature." 1

"In stories relating to Norway, the ghosts are rarely found far from their burial places, the haugar (sing. huagr), "barrows", containing a stone-built burial chamber roofed with wood, and covered with a great mound of earth. In Iceland, however, a ghost knows no territorial rights and limitations, and is free to wander where he will, either before or after burial." 1

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See also: 

Gryla: Cannibalistic, Evil Troll And Her Sons ‘Yule Lads’ – In Icelandic Folklore

How Did Vikings Celebrate Yule – The Winter Solstice?

Perchta: Evil Witch Of The Alps – An Old Tradition That Still Continues

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