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Cato The Younger – Mortal Enemy Of Julius Caesar Was A Man Who Hated Luxury, New Ideas And Was Immune To Bribes


Ellen Lloyd - - When Cato was a child, one could see he would be different one day. He was extremely stubborn and could not tolerate obvious signs of injustice.

He was only 13 years old when he questioned the Roman general and dictator Lucius Cornelius Sulla's harsh methods and violations of laws and regulations.

Cato The Younger - Mortal Enemy Of Julius Caesar Was A Man Who Hated Luxury, New Ideas And Was Immune To Bribes

Once he became aware of how Sulla seized power by force in the year 82 BC and proclaimed himself dictator, Cato asked his teacher why no one had killed the brutal Roman general yet.

According to the Greek philosopher, biographer, and essayist Plutarch, the teenager Cato whispered to his teacher Sarpedon: "Why does nobody kill this man?" "Because," said he, "they fear him, child, more than they hate him." "Why, then," replied Cato, "did you not give me a sword, that I might stab him, and free my country from this slavery?" Sarpedon hearing this, and at the same time seeing his countenance swelling with anger and determination, took care thenceforward to watch him strictly, lest he should hazard any desperate attempt. " 1

At the time, one could already see Cato was going to be a determined man with enormous willpower. Maybe it was his unusual personality or the fact that he was immune to bribes and fought to uphold Roman traditions that contributed to later authors' glorifying accounts of his reign. To many, Cato the Younger represented a model of virtue.

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