Sacred Cherokee Star Mound And The Legend Of The Star People – Beneath The Ground May Lie A Secret That Should Remain Hidden Forever

Ellen Lloyd - - To those with open hearts and minds, the Cherokee offer captivating tales of our past, stories that illuminate a mysterious chapter in ancient human history.

Sacred Cherokee Star Mound And The Legend Of The Star People – Beneath The Ground May Lie A Secret That Should Remain Hidden Forever

The mounds hold profound significance for the Cherokee, housing the eternal sacred fire that binds them as a community. This fire is not just symbolic; it is alive and real, making these mounds sacred spaces that must be preserved and respected.

Among them, we come across a mound steeped in legend—the Star Mound—linked to the Star People and an enigmatic star deep within our galaxy. The elders' stories about this place are fascinating, potentially unlocking secrets of an ancient era yet unknown to us.

While we yearn to uncover these archaeological mysteries hidden within the Star Mound, perhaps some secrets are destined to remain veiled in wonder forever.

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Ancient Pages Library Of Ancient and Unexplained Mysteries

See also: 

Ancient Native Americans’ Encounter With The Star People – An Otherworldly Rescue?

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