Norse Frost Giant Vafthrudnir Who Was A Mastermind Of Riddles

A. Sutherland- - In Norse mythology, Vafthrudnir is recognized as a wise frost giant, Jötunn, renowned for his vast knowledge and profound wisdom.

Odin, the chief of the Norse gods, voluntarily hanged himself for nine nights on Yggdrasil, the cosmic tree, to become wise and to test the value of the wisdom he had obtained from drinking from Mimir's Well.

Norse Frost Giant Vafthrudnir Who Was A Mastermind Of Riddles

Vafthrudnir, on the other hand, most probably obtained his impressive wisdom through consulting the dead.

Once, to test his knowledge against the giants, Odin decides to travel to Vafthrudnir's land. Still, he chooses to appear in disguise. From various Norse stories, we know that the great Norse god uses multiple names, and has a habit of concealing his identity before both mortals and the gods.

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