Fomorians: Supernatural Race Of Giants Who Came From Atlantis
A. Sutherland - - According to the Old Irish "Annals of Clonmacnois", ancient chronicles from prehistoric times to the early 15th century, the Fomorians (or Fomorach) were giants who arrived to Ireland from over the ocean. They were direct descendants of Noah...
The Irish annals described the Fomorians as a warlike race that represented “a branch of a clan that descended from Cham (Ham), the son of Noah, and lived by piracy and spoils of other nations, and were in those days very troublesome to the whole world."
Their name derives from “fomor”, which means both “giant” and “pirate”. They were also called “mariners of Fo”.
As we described in our earlier article, “one Fomorian with stubby legs and long arms did not resemble another with a dwarfish right arm and a normal left arm, or yet another with two or even three heads and only one eye or three on his head…” It’s interesting to note that in some Irish myths and legends, they are described as malevolent giants, who functioned almost as machines with “eyes” that cast out a powerful beam that turned enemies into ashes.
This race of gigantic, deformed, violent, and extremely cruel people, not only looked like monsters but were also associated with the powers of evil.
Many of them were footless and handless, which could mean they were Ophites or serpent-worshipers.
Among other descriptions of the Fomorians, there is one saying they had animal heads; however, most probably they had helmets or headgear shaped-liked animal heads or even more likely, they wore the head of animals over their heads. Most of researchers believe the Fomorians were humans and “dubh”, which in Gaelic means – black.
Interestingly, the existence of the Fomorians has not been recorded in the “Book of Invasions” (Lebor Gabála Érenn), which describes how Ireland was conquered and settled. The “Irish Invasion Myths”, on the other hand, tells “there is no legend of the Fomorians coming into Ireland, nor were they regarded as at any time a regular portion of the population…”
It was believed that one of the leaders of the Fomore was the giant Balor, a terrifying creature with the evil eye. Balor was capable to send a powerful beam (“flux of energy”) across the channel between Tory Island and Ireland, to blast his enemies. His only eye could blast a whole army when he opened the seven eyelids protecting it.
Lugh Lamfada led the Danann against the Fomorian tyranny. Lugh killed their last leader, Balor. Lugh was a sun god, widely worshiped throughout the Celtic world.
An old tradition says that they erected the great Tower of Conan at Tor-Inis (Tory Island), They lived in a fortress off the northwest coast of Ireland. From there, they spread terror, oppression, and tyranny until they were finally conquered by the Tuatha Dé Danann. The Fomorian greatest warrior, Balor, was also killed by his own grandson, Lugh Lámfhota, the Tuatha Dé Danann tough and brave champion.
After the death of Balor, the Fomorians lost their power and control and they were soon driven into the sea and out of Ireland.
Some sources report that the few survivors were permitted to continue to live in Ireland and after many generations, they eventually become assimilated into the Celtic population, after 600 BC.
Written by – A. Sutherland Staff Writer
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Expand for referencesvon Fleischer, Aylmer, Megalith: The Black Builders of Stonehenge
Green J. Celtic Gods and Heroes
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