Ancient Mysteries Of The Amazon Jungle – Survivors Of The Great Flood Or An Atlantean Race Hidden In The Forest? – Part 2

Ellen Lloyd - - In part 1 of this series we started to discus encounters with the unusual strange, white men with glowing eyes.

We read about a little-known expedition to the Amazon Jungle and some puzzling ancient ruins the explorers discovered.

According to the account told by a member of the exploration team, there were buildings, artifacts and unknown inscriptions in the rainforest, suggesting this place was once inhabited by an ancient lost civilization that may have come from Europe, or Egypt.

Ancient Mysteries Of The Amazon Jungle – Survivors Of The Great Flood Or An Atlantean Race Hidden In The Forest? – Part 2

We will continue this remarkable story and learn what more the expedition team discovered and what they did afterwards.

The identity of the white-skinned Indians remains unknown and some have suggested they could be survivors of a Great Flood or possible descendants of an Atlantean race still hiding in the jungle.

There are indications this could be true, but there are also certain aspects that speak against this controversial theory.

It’s time to return to the Amazon Jungle and find out what remarkable structures and encounters the explorers made in a location that still hasn’t bee revealed…

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