Mystery Of Count St. Germain – He Claimed To Have Lived For Several Centuries

A. Sutherland - - He was a mysterious person who refused to discuss his origin, fortune, and civil status and we know him first of all as Count de St. Germain. He claimed to have lived for several centuries.

"...equalled the greatest of the personages who move across the canvas of history. He towered above them all, kings, nobles, philosophers, statesmen and men of letters, in the majesty of his personal character, the nobility of his ideals and motives, the consistency of his acts and the profundity of his knowledge, not only of the mysteries of Nature, but also of the literature of all peoples and epochs..." (Colonel Henry Steel Olcott, President of the Theosophical Society)

Mystery Of Count St. Germain - He Claimed To Have Lived For Several Centuries


The French genius, Voltaire attributed the count's riches to his alchemical skills and believed that  Saint-Germain ' a man who never dies and who knows everything..."

To see danger in strangers and the unknown, is a distinguishing feature deeply rooted in human nature. This feature usually influences our mode of thinking and our acceptance or nonacceptance of someone's behavior, physical appearance or both.

For an entire century, people who met Saint-Germain confronted his unusual physical appearance of a man of between forty and fifty years old. Obviously, a man cannot be taken seriously if he does not conform strictly to the laws of nature. He was called a a charlatan because he possessed knowledge of unknown secrets which allowed him to prolong his life beyond known human limits.

When Saint-Germain appeared in England one day, in 1745, unsurprisingly not everyone fell for his charm...

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