Vatican Secrets – Extraterrestrial Life And Genetically Engineering Of Humans By Advanced Alien Species

Ellen Lloyd - - The Vatican is just as curious about extraterrestrial life as most us are. A majority of people today are convinced humans are not the only species in the Universe, but the lack of official contact with extraterrestrial lifeforms offers room for plenty of speculations and unanswered questions.

Vatican Secrets - Extraterrestrial Life And Genetically Engineering Of Humans By Advanced Alien Species

One of them deals with religious peoples’ ability to confront advanced alien life-forms. Does the discovery of extraterrestrial life threaten religion? What does the Vatican have to say about the possibility that humans may be one of many intelligent species in the Universe? Can the Vatican accept or even consider the possibility humans may have been genetically engineered? Is the Vatican perhaps more open-minded than most could imagine?

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