Ominous Black Layer – A Geological Anomaly Or Scientific Evidence Of A Great Ancient Cosmic Catastrophe?

Ellen Lloyd - - Ancient myths and legends from various corners of the world relate stories of our ancestors who were terrified when a great catastrophe wiped out a vast majority of humans, animals and other living beings.

According to these ancient tales a giant destructive power caused the Earth to tremble, water levels to rise, volcanoes to erupt and before anyone knew what had happened life on our beautiful planet vanished in a blink of an eye.

Ominous Black Layer - A Geological Anomaly Or Scientific Evidence Of A Great Ancient Cosmic Catastrophe?

It is unlikely unrelated ancient cultures would all relate the same story unless there was some truth to it. If a great cosmic catastrophe took place on our planet in the distant past, then there should be evidence that our researchers can examine so we can get a better understanding of Earth’s ancient history.

Interestingly, in a small European village, scientists stumbled upon what they first believed to be a geological anomaly.  Later investigations revealed this anomaly was just part of something much bigger that led them to other countries. Did the research team discover solid evidence that could prove a great ancient catastrophe described in myths and legends of our ancestors did really occur?

Was the mysterious ominous black layer a geological anomaly or do we simply don't yet fully comprehend what really happened in the distant past?

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