Mysterious Sumerian Star Tablet And Strange Divine Omens – Communication With The Gods – Part 2

Ellen Lloyd - - Like all ancient civilizations people in Mesopotamia never underestimated the will and powers of their gods. Sumerians relied on their deities in all daily aspects.

It was believed that Mesopotamian God Nabu inscribed the human fates determined by the gods. God Nabu engraved the fate of people and the world on the ‘Tablet of Destiny’ that was later stolen by the evil bird-god Anzu.

Mysterious Sumerian Star Tablet And Strange Divine Omens - Communication With The Gods - Part 2

Still, relying on gods’ decisions and communicating with divine beings isn’t the same. Was it really possible for a mortal to “talk directly” to the gods?

What were the unusual divine objects the Sumerian ruler saw and received? One of these peculiar items gives us reason to question the nature of the King’s strange dreams. Is there a much deeper meaning behind these mysterious ancient events?

Read part 1

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Library of Ancient & Unexplained Mysteries

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