Ancient Technology
Archaeological discoveries and several ancient texts reveal our ancestors were much more advanced than previously thought. Many of our modern inventions are only re-inventions based on knowledge of ancient people.
During the growth of the ancient civilizations, ancient technology was the result from advances in engineering in ancient times. What kind of technology was present in the ancient world? In this section we take a closer look at the stunning technology of the ancient world.
Ancient Technology Archive
Ancient Technology
Ellen Lloyd - - Imagine that you find a small burning lamp hidden deep in an ancient vault. This mysterious lamp, which is in perfect preservation, has burned
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Ancient Technology
A. Sutherland - - Among all the achievements of ancient engineering, Roman aqueducts belong to the most exceptional ones. The multiple arches of the Pont du Gard
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Ancient Technology
Conny Waters - - Sumerians were an advanced ancient civilization fully aware of the dangers climate can pose. They naturally knew there was no survival without water,
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Jan Bartek - - Vikings are often depicted as crude barbarians running around yelling and waving with swords, but there are many reasons we should reconsider whether
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Jan Bartek - - There is much to be learned from many ancient civilizations. Ancient Maya reservoirs, which used aquatic plants to filter and clean the water,
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Ancient Technology
Jan Bartek - - Scientists have discovered that ancient Roman glass, known as "wow glass," has formed a strange type of crystal that refracts light in surprising
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Ancient Technology
Jan Bartek - - While 21st-century water companies struggle to maintain clean, fresh supplies, a new study reveals that, some 2,000 years ago, Roman water engineers were
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Ancient Technology
Ellen Lloyd - - Did ancient Romans invent unbreakable glass? If they did, their secrets would be long lost because the Roman Emperor Tiberius beheaded the inventor
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Ancient Technology
Conny Waters - - Engineers from Caltech have discovered that Leonardo da Vinci's understanding of gravity—though not wholly accurate—was centuries ahead of his time. In an article
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Ancient Technology
Eddie Gonzales Jr. - - "It has been documented since the Renaissance that an air bubble rising in water will deviate from its straight, steady path to
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Ancient Technology
Jan Bartek - - Researchers have identified the ingredients in chemistry formulas from a 2,300-year-old Chinese text, revealing ancient metallurgy was more complex than expected. The Kaogong
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Ancient Technology
A. Sutherland - - Enigmatic small amulets known as' thokchas' (thogchags) are made of iron, meteoric iron, or, as Tibetans say, "sky metal" or "sky-iron" denote tektites
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Ancient Technology
Conny Waters - - Researchers at UCL have solved a major piece of the puzzle that makes up the ancient Greek astronomical calculator known as the Antikythera
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Ancient Technology
Ellen Lloyd - - The modern world is becoming more and more familiar with the use of robots that are put to work in several fields. Industrial
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Ancient Technology
Conny Waters - - More than 12,000 years ago, people developed a sophisticated technique for making a play dough-like material from mammoth ivory. This prehistoric technique enabled
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Ancient Technology
Conny Waters - - Scientists have discovered the oldest known human-made nanomaterials in the “unique black coatings” of ancient pottery shards — dated to 600 BC —
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Ancient Technology
Conny Waters - - A new study led by UCL researchers shows that chromium steel was first made in Persia, nearly a millennium earlier than experts previously
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Ancient Technology
Jan Bartek - - Knowledge of acoustics was not uncommon among ancient people. Many ancient cultures used and modified architecture for acoustic purposes. The musical sound of
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Ancient Technology
Ellen Lloyd - - Ancient metal clamps discovered on megaliths, temples, and other prehistoric monuments worldwide are one of the greatest unsolved ancient mysteries of all time.
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Ancient Technology
A. Sutherland - - One of the ancient times' most amazing technologies is underground irrigation canals known as "qanats." The qanats transported water from water wells to
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Ancient Technology
A. Sutherland - - Aluminum (also aluminium) was used at least 7,000 years ago and our modern discovery of this valuable metal is nothing but a re-invention
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Ancient Technology
Ellen Lloyd - - Proof of advanced ancient technology can be found in many places. We come across artifacts that re-write history and offer evidence our ancestors were
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Ancient Technology
A. Sutherland - - One of the earliest civilizations that developed under the Olmec influence is represented by an unknown complex of ruins located near Mexico City
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Ancient Technology
Jan Bartek – – The Egyptian blue is the world’s oldest artificial pigment. It has extraordinary properties that allow scientists to reconstruct the past and shape the
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Ancient Technology
Miroslav Provod - - Nikola Tesla once wrote: "The day when science begins to explore beyond physical phenomena, more will be discovered in a decade than over
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Ancient Technology
Conny Waters - - Many ancient civilizations constructed stunning buildings that still stand today. Modern scientists have long wondered how our ancestors were able to lift giant
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Ancient Technology
Ellen Lloyd - - In this top list we take a closer look at striking examples of advanced ancient technologies that were far ahead of their times.
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Ancient Technology
A. Sutherland - - The Incas were known for their engineering practices, particularly water engineering. Their design of water systems was influenced by their strong beliefs in
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Ancient Technology - The ancient Babylonians were the first to use sophisticated geometry – a staggering 1,400 years before it was previously thought to have been developed. Sadly, these
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Ancient Technology
A. Sutherland - - An extremely high-tech civilization existed in the distant past of our planet. We currently know nothing about these beings. Most of what we
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Ancient Technology
Ellen Lloyd - - Is it possible that a highly advanced unknown civilization populated this planet thousands of years ago? Did this prehistoric civilization possess scientific knowledge and
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Ancient Technology
A. Sutherland - - There are many unanswered questions regarding the Inca’s marvelous engineering masterpiece known as Tipón. How did the Inca manage to reach this high level
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Ancient Technology
A. Sutherland - - The concept of humanoid robots has been known since ancient times. The first mention of this kind of mechanical device can be found
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Ancient Technology
A. Sutherland - - India has been widely known for its iron and steel since ancient times. The Delhi Iron Pillar is a marvelous example of India's skilled
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Ancient Technology
Ellen Lloyd - - Is it possible that some of the world's greatest scientific achievements originate from India? Could it be that many of our modern inventions are
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Ancient Technology
Conny Waters - - The magnificent Lycurgus cup is a stunning ancient artifact that offers evidence our ancestors were familiar with nanotechnology. Nowadays it’s no secret that people
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Ancient Technology
A. Sutherland - - An ancient Jewish manuscript entitled "The Queen of Sheba and Her Only Son Menyelek" translated by Sir E. A. Wallis Budge, contains the following
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Ancient Technology
A. Sutherland - - The need for people to communicate at a distance has a very long tradition, and one can say it is as old as humanity
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Ancient Technology
A. Sutherland - - Fascinating and mysterious underground Longyou Grottoes (also known as Longyou Caves) must have been some kind of an extraordinary man-made project of the ancient
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Ancient Technology
A. Sutherland - - In 727, the world's first mechanical clock was constructed by the Chinese Tantric Buddhist monk and mathematician Yixing (683-727). It was also an astronomical
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Ancient Technology
Ellen Lloyd - - There are certain legends and myths that suggest ancient civilizations might have had some knowledge of time travel. While researching advanced technologies of the
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Ancient Technology
A. Sutherland - - These ancient structures, called yakhchals should not be confused with pyramids or ziggurats. The yakhchals (‘yakh’ means ‘ice’ and ‘chal’ means ‘pit’) are in
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